Southampton Housing Authority

About the tsha

The Southampton Housing Authority (TSHA) is a housing authority set up to provide affordable housing services to the community. To learn more about TSHA, contact our office.

Legal Authority and Composition

The TSHA was established by Chapter 611, Laws of 2002; State of New York (Section 466 of the Public Housing Law) and signed by Patrick Heaney, Supervisor of the Town of Southampton, on December 9, 2003. It was created and established in the Town of Southampton under the purposes specified in Article 18 of the Constitution of the State of New York; to provide affordable, decent, safe, and sanitary housing for persons of limited income and other related purposes.

The Authority has a board of commissioners consisting of five members, each appointed to a staggered five-year term by the town board. A member is assigned or reappointed in December of each year, and an annual reorganization meeting occurs in January with the members electing a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. An annual operating budget is proposed and formally adopted by the Board of Commissioners, and the accounts of the Authority are subjected to audit each year by an independent Certified Public Accountant.

House Warming
Men Shaking Hands

Mission and Goals

The TSHA’s mission is to develop mixed-income housing opportunities in keeping with the rural character of the hamlets and villages of the Town of Southampton. The goals and objectives of the authority are:

  • Assist in providing greater housing opportunities for both rental and homeownership.
  • Preserve and improve existing affordable housing.
  • Pursue opportunities to develop additional mixed-income housing.
  • Provide safe and secure affordable rental housing and prepare residents for future homeownership.
  • Educate the community on all facets of homeownership as an ambassador for first-time homebuyers

Financial Budgets and Audits